From the very start, we've been interested in tourism in the Faroe Islands. In fact one of our first guests on the show was the head of the organization now known as Visit Faroe Islands. And every couple of years, we like to check in with the head of VFI to see how things are going. Unlike in previous years, tourism officials aren't thinking as much about how to bring lots of people to the Faroes so much as how to accommodate the ones that are coming in record numbers. And some are even asking a question that would have seemed unthinkable when this show started eight years ago: how much tourism is too much?
We'll discuss those questions with Guðrið Højgaard, the head of Visit Faroe Islands about the increased tourism volume, and the Sheep View campaign that made headlines around the world.
We'll also talk about the Faroe Islands U21 Handball Team's qualifying for the world championships this summer. If you want to see the winning, match, it's here.
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