Listen to our most recent episode:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Podcast 264: Mike Day and Heri Simonsen

This week, our good friend Heri Simonsen talks to Scottish filmmaker Mike Day about his new film, "The Islands and the Whales." The film had it's Faroe Islands premiere this week, and Heri caught up with Mike in advance of the first screening. They'll talk about the difficulties in making a documentary like this, and how Day hopes the film is received in the Faroes.

Then we'll hang out in a post office.

As always, you can listen on iTunes, on Stitcher Smart Radio, or you can download the show directly here.

Also, we're headed back to the Faroes to record more episodes of the podcast. Please head on over to Go Fund Me and throw a couple of dollars into the tip jar. A little help from you can make it possible to make an entire year's worth of shows.